Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy today resigned from his Lok Sabha membership. Revanth Reddy met Speaker Om Birla this evening and submitted his resignation. He was accompanied by the party’s whip and MP Manickam Tagore during his visit to Parliament House.
It is well known that Revanth Reddy was elected as an MLA from the Kodangal constituency in the recently concluded assembly elections. Revanth Reddy was in Delhi today and he met party general secretary KC Venugopal and he discussed issues ahead of the first assembly session in Telangana. He was expected to discuss the implementation of the six guarantees announced by the Telangana government.
Revanth Reddy was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Telangana on Thursday. The Deputy Chief Minister and the first set of Ministers took oath as well. AICC President Mallikarjun Kharge, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, and other top Congress leaders attended the swearing-in ceremony.