Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Tirumala today and sought the blessings of Lord Venkateshwara Swamy. He arrived in Tirumala on Sunday night where was welcomed with a huge reception. He tweeted, “At the Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple in Tirumala, prayed for the good health, well-being and prosperity of 140 crore Indians.”
Along with the tweet, Narendra Modi shared several pictures from his visit to Tirumala. He wore a traditional South Indian attire. In another post, Modi shared several pictures with the caption, “Om Namo Venkatesaya.”
Andhra Pradesh governor S Abdul Nazeer and Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy received the PM at the Renigunta airport. After the visit, Narendra Modi held two public meetings – one at Mahbubabad at 12:45 pm, and another one at Karimnagar at 2:45pm. He also led a road show in Hyderabad at 5 pm.