Throat Cancer: cases raises alarmingly in India

throat cancers in India

throat cancers in India

A Tata Memorial Center (TMC) study concluded that productivity loss in India due to oral cancers will be around $560 crore in 2022. It is said to be 0.18% of the country’s GDP. India accounts for two-thirds of all oral cancer deaths worldwide, according to the study.

TMC studied 100 cancer patients who underwent cancer treatment over 36 months between 2019 and 2022. Here are the excerpts.

* 91% of deaths or incurable cancers occurred in those aged 41.5 years.

* 70% of early-stage and 86% of advanced-stage cancers are found in middle-class families.

* Productivity lost due to premature mortality is accounted for by the human capital approach. The lost productivity per premature death was calculated as Rs.57,22,803 for men and Rs.71,83,917 for women.