Heart blockage: 10 foods to unclog arteries naturally

10 foods to prevent clogged arteries naturally

10 foods to prevent clogged arteries naturally

Heart blockages have become a common trend these days and it turns into a serious issue, if not found out at the early stages. Clogged arteries could lead to serious health issues like heart attack and stroke. The thing here is that one couldn’t notice clogged arteries unless one finds symptoms.

However, some foods naturally reduce unclogged arteries or prevent them.

  1. Berries – Berries such as Blueberries, Strawberries, and raspberries keep Cholesterol at bay, and hence clogged arteries issues could be solved.
  2. Oats – Try to include oats, Quinoa, and brown rice in your meal which could reduce Cholesterol and keep inflammation in check.
  3. Fish – Some fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, and Sardines contain essential fatty acids These are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and these are great for your heart health.
  4. Leafy Vegetables – Green leafy vegetables can boost blood flow and reduce blood pressure.
  5. Garlic – Regular consumption of garlic can reduce Cholesterol levels.
  6. Avocados – These are rich in monounsaturated fats which are good for heart health.
  7. Nuts – These enhance the health of your blood vessels.
  8. Legumes – These could reduce inflammation.
  9. Ginger and pepper – These have anti-inflammatory properties.
  10. Broccoli and cabbage – Vegetables like these reduce your chances of getting blocked arteries.