Super Star Mahesh Babu’s recent outing Guntur Kaaram has completed 5 days theatrical run. The movie is maintaining its hold in the Telugu States well. The movie is struggling overseas. It has collected 2.4 million dollars and has slowed down completely. However, in the Telugu States the movie is doing fine. With slight drop in Nizam and strong hold in Andhra, Guntur Kaaram has collected Rs. 7.5 Crores on the fifth day from the Telugu States.
So far, the film has collected Rs. 77 Crores from the Telugu States. The Worldwide theatricals are valued at Rs. 135 Crores. Sankranthi season advantage saved the movie and it will end up as an average grosser if its maintains good hold for the coming next week which is likely. No one expected the film to maintain steady hold after the initial talk it got but the family audiences encouraged the film big time.
Directed by Trivikram Srinivas, Guntur Kaaram has Sreeleela and Meenakshi Chaudhary in the female lead roles. Thaman S is the music composer of the movie.