YS Sharmila – Anil Kumar’s son YS Raja Reddy has married Priya in a grand style. The wedding has happened in two traditions. Yesterday, the marriage happened in authentic Christian style in a church where the couple exchanged rings and took blessings of the Lord Jesus.
Today, the marriage happened in typical Hindu tradition. The couple the family members and the close relatives could be seen with all smiles. The couple is adorable in the pictures released by YS Sharmila on the social media platform.
The wedding happened at Jodhpur Palace, Rajasthan. Except for YS Jagan’s family, the close relatives of Sharmila and Anil Kumar attended the wedding and blessed the couple. Sharmila made sure that there was no media coverage of the wedding.
A special reception will be thrown to everyone whom Sharmila invited for the occasion. It will happen in a few days in Hyderabad.