Retd. General Major SP Sinha’s interesting comments on NDA rule

Retd Major General SP Sinha on NDA government

Retd Major General SP Sinha on NDA government

Retired Major General SP Sinha made some interesting comments in a TV interview that there was a big difference in India’s defense policy during the UPA government before 2014 and after the NDA government came in 2014. Currently, this video is going viral on social media. He said that the Congress rulers did not give as much freedom and priority to the Indian Defense Forces as Prime Minister Modi did.

He said that Modi considered the Indian Army and other defense forces as his family. That is why on the day of Diwali while the rest of the politicians celebrate the festival at home, Modi went to the border and celebrated Diwali with Indian soldiers. He added that Pakistan has turned its tail with Modi’s surgical strikes.

He said that when the Congress was in power, Pakistan and China not only plotted against our country on the border but also carried out internal bomb blasts. But when in Modi’s government, they are even trembling just to look at us. As part of the defense policy, the most advanced warplanes and equipment have been purchased. He also said that Make In India was started in the manufacture of defense equipment in Modi’s regime.